Pray Today to Keep Stress at Bay

written by Gregory Unck | Uncategorized

April 4, 2022

Stress is a constant aspect of our lives as Commercial Drivers. Stress can come as we drive, or as we try to get rest at a noisy stop, or even as we are at home getting ready to leave for a new trip or trying to deal with domestic issues. These days, dealing with inflation and high costs of everything required to live is stressful not only for us but for our families while we are away so our heads may be in worry mode at home even though our bods are in the truck on the road.

One excellent way to respond to and moderate the negative effects stress is through prayer in any of its traditional or non-traditional, religious or non-religious varieties. Although kneeling in reverence and praying in gratitude (or, when needed, supplication) to The Lord is my go to form of prayer, you may have your own that expresses your personal beliefs.

All forms of prayer can be effective stress-relievers. Meditation can help you to contemplate something other than problems (or allow something outside of your head in to help find solutions). Contemplating nature, a verse of Scripture, a scene from the Bible, Koran, or something by a writer like Walden, or some other source may do the thing for you. Internal reflection can lead to quiet contemplation which can slow your heartbeat, lower your blood pressure, and even lead to feelings of euphoria.

By taking some time out each day to pray, we can focus on our abundant blessings and put things into perspective. In addition, prayer can help us to connect with a higher power, which can give us strength during difficult times. Even if you don’t have a specific faith tradition, prayer can be a great way to find peace and calm during stressful times. Try starting and ending your day with prayer and see how it makes a difference in your stress level. If you see a spot where you can park and have a walking meditation, give it a try. It just might make your day.

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