Many folks think of health simply as the absence of illness at any given time. This is what most doctors focus on providing patients via the various methods available to treat illness. Wellness is more comprehensive concept and looks at the Mind, Body, and Spirit as a cohesive unit. When practiced correctly, it is proactively using Mind/Body/Spirit synergism to achieve maximum health and enjoyment now and for life, vs. simply treating illnesses as they occur because we resign ourselves to just getting sick as a natural part of life. Wellness is the understanding that illness is not a natural part of life and we are not born to be sick as we age. Whether we age well or poorly is influenced by our genes much less than many people believe. Some of them even adopt the attitude that, since their parents have not aged well, they themselves have poor genes and give up trying, so just let themselves go. As much as 90% of illnesses occur as a result of behavior and negative thinking. There are, of course, exceptions outside our control and there is not much we can do about them, other than proactively striving to stay as well as possible so we stand a fighting chance if disease arises, but in this program we look at things we can control. At all of our wellness activities and practices focus on things we can do in our truck, around our truck, or at truck stops or other parking areas – including at the loading/unloading facilities.
These six wellness principles have been chosen from others because they are pertinent to all of us out here on the road. They are all equally important, and are:
Personal Responsibility
Respect for Others
Stress Management and Resilience
Living in the Present Moment
Lifelong Growth
Upcoming blog posts will cover these six wellness principles in the coming days.