OK, so the world is a crazy place right now. But you can still give yourself permission to have fun.
Good times are the spark that recharges your batteries and refreshes your mind for what’s coming next. Whether it’s daily fun, weekend treks, or vacations and bucket-list adventures you plan for months, fun is an essential part of being human.
In fact, it delivers real physiological benefits by combatting the stress hormone cortisone in your body. So if you’re someone who says, Fun is for kids. Adults don’t do that . . . or if you have the commonly held belief: I’ll have fun once I retire, realize that you’re cheating yourself from one the real joys of life.
Of course, there’s one step you’ve got to handle before the good times can begin: get your life solid (your finances, your health, your relationships, your career) so that “fun” is guilt-free, affordable and energizing—instead of stressful, costly and exhausting.
What could you do for fun while you’re on your get-my-life-solid journey? Here are some ideas . . .
• Take a snack and hike a trail that originates at a Rest Area like at I 80 South Bound at Sidney, NE (Later Facebook and website blogs from www.driversthriving.com will be about our writers roving the USA to find and post great locations where you can park your truck and get out and have some fun on the road)
• Get a game of frisbee or catch going at truck stops, terminals, etc.
• Volunteer for a community cleanup day if you are at home. Hanging with a bunch of folks doing community service (maybe not the kind the judge tells you to do) can be fun and rewarding.
• Plan a stop at a Cabella’s or Bass Pro or Scheel’s and just poke around and get ideas for future adventures. They all have nice sandwich shops and such so are great places for a rejuvenating break.
With some planning, you could even enjoy bucket-list adventures like skiing in the Alps, working on an archeological dig, or studying art with a recognized master (maybe like Danny the Count from “Counting Cars”.
Comment and tell me what YOU want to do once your life is handled! Comment below, or email gregory@driversthriving.com, or text 385-977-1792 and share some ideas or past adventures with your brothers and sisters out on the Long Road!
As a coach, I not only help people create a plan for achieving their goals in major life categories like fitness, finances, and field (career), but I also make sure their plan includes a whole lot of fun. Whether you need financial sanity, a more fulfilling career, a loving marriage, or something else, the 10 Week Life Coaching Program I deliver is designed to bring about the abundance, happiness and improvement you want. You deserve an amazing life! Remember, I am a certified Life Coach and certified Wellness Coach, AND, a former Commercial Driver so I can empathize with your particular challenges.
Contact me and we can jump on a 30-minute discovery call to talk about your goals and a game plan. 10 Week Life and Wellness https://oolalifestore.com/products/transform?afmc=1hm