We’re more than halfway through the year.

written by Gregory Unck | Uncategorized

July 28, 2022

Did you notice? We’re more than halfway through the year. If you’re not on track with your goals, then right now is a perfect time to hit the pause button and do some deep thinking.

Maybe your life isn’t giving you the satisfaction you want. If you’re not happy, balanced and growing, let’s identify what’s not working . . . but more importantly, let’s talk about what you DO want.

What would make you happy? What’s the one major thing in your life right now that, if you changed it, would bring about joy, balance, growth and the kind of daily lifestyle you want?

For instance, do you want to:

Fitness: Slim down, eat better, get sober or something else?

Finance: Eliminate debt, earn more at work or buy a house?

Family: Improve your marriage or handle a tense situation?

Field: Change jobs, get a promotion or start a side hustle?

Faith: Reconnect with God, join a Bible group or pray daily?

Friends: Find more supportive friends? Find some mentors?

Fun: Make time for weekly fun or plan annual adventures? 

When you do write down your list, why not use the best-kept secret of top achievers: coaching. Of all the things successful people do to accelerate their path to the healthy, balanced and financially secure lifestyle they want, working with a coach is at the top of the list.

The Oola Coaching Program is the formula I discovered that has transformed not only my life, but the lives of countless people around the world. Not only will it help you define the goals you want to achieve, it will keep you accountable* to doing those things every day that bring about the results you want.

*Oola 12 week accountability program; https://oolalifestore.com/products/accountability?afmc=1ho

Check it out and work with me every week to find balance and calm the overwhelm in major life areas like finances, fitness, family, field (career) and more. Email me at gregory@driversthriving.com  and we’ll grab some time together to talk about the activities, career, fitness level, finances, faith walk, and family relationships you’ve decided you want. The lifestyle you want is closer than you think.

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