You weren’t built by accident. You were built for a unique purpose that not only serves the world, but one that also inspires and motivates you.
You may have been to college because your parents expected it or you thought that was the key to money and happiness, or, you may decided on a second career and wanted to see the country driving a truck so quit whatever you were doing went to CDL school. Well, driving does pay well, but you may be lacking in the life fulfillment department because trucking is not a job. It is a full-time commitment. You are out there day in and day out.
If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Many of us thought being a commercial driver would be like being a tourist bebopping around in a big truck. Not so – it is hard work, requires dedication, and can prevent us having balance in our lives and living a healthy, wellness conscious lifestyle.
For you, however, that is about to change.
If you’ve been following my posts over the past month, you know that—right now—you have a unique opportunity to create an amazing future: a life you love, that serves the world and allows a balanced and happy life for you. The key is to stay focused on getting it.
And “staying focused” is a major part of what coaching can help you do.
Coaching can help you remove the clutter and obstacles in your life that are holding you back from following your heart. When we begin to eliminate fear, the weight of debt, laziness, self-sabotage, and toxic people from our lives, our true selves begin to emerge. We start to get a glimpse of what’s inside of us, and our heartfelt passions come to light.
Coaching can help you rediscover your true passion in life . . . a major stepping stone on the way to living the ideal life.
If your way of living has caused you to re-think your lifestyle, your finances, your health, your relationships and your future, I can, in conjunction with The Oola!lLife Coaching* organization help you see what want your “new normal” to look like. It’s what I help clients with, and it would be my honor to work with you, too.
Email me at or, click/tap the link below to get started right now while it is fresh on your mind.
* The Oola Coaching Program—delivered jointly by The Oola Guys and me. There are 10 weeks’ worth of video presentations (you can watch on your devices and learn from at your own pace), and, weekly consultation and coaching meetings with me, your personal coach and former OTR driver (via phone, FB Portal, Skype, Microsoft Teams, or even email if you prefer).