Are you doing what you want to do?

written by Gregory Unck | Uncategorized

July 11, 2022

Are you doing what you want to do? Or do you need to make a change to create more joy, abundance, and satisfaction in your worklife?

In my own situation, when I first became a life coach, I was simply looking for something different. I discovered it was okay to follow my instincts and passionately pursue my goal of getting the things I want by helping people get what they want. I learned about living a balanced life from “The Oola Guys”—Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl, bestselling authors of Oola; Find Balance in an Unbalanced World. And I’ve been coaching people through the Oola Lifestyle formula ever since.

You might be looking for something different, too. Or simply more time to do what you want. More freedom. Less stress. More visibility in your industry. Or better pay.

Whatever’s on your checklist, have you thought about ways you can have more fun, show up in a bigger way, grow as a person, and finally live the life you dream of?

I’ve got a list of tips that will give you some ideas. Email me at;, and I’ll get a copy out to you ASAP.

Of course, I’d love to help you beyond just useful tips. In fact, career decisions and professional growth are two of the best reasons to work with a life coach. Without outside pressure, we can look at what YOU really want and how you might improve, grow, earn more, or transition—safely and sensibly—into a life that’s far better than the one you’re in now.

Email me to learn more about how our coaching works. You were made for greatness. Let’s work together to bring that greatness out where you can use it daily

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