Are you confident about your health and fitness?

written by Gregory Unck | Uncategorized

June 14, 2022

Are you confident about your health and fitness? Not surprisingly, well-being is something that most people take for granted . . . until a personal health crisis (or global pandemic) delivers the ultimate wake-up call.

If you’re unsure whether your immune system is healthy enough to ward off something serious . . . or if working at home has you feeling inactive and sluggish . . . or if you suddenly realized it’s been years since you went to the gym, said no to sugar, took important vitamins, or even went for an annual physical – hey, you’ve got some work to do!

Maintaining a healthy, active body – at the right weight – with good mental well-being just makes life better. In fact, you can’t live “the good life” if your health is a stress factor for you.

If you were going through the transformational Oola Coaching Program with me, what would your Oola fitness goals look like? Here are some ideas:

• A nutrient-dense, lower-calorie diet: clean protein, fresh vegetables, fruit, healthy fats, no added sugar

• Annual physical exam + current on age-specific tests

• Daily exercise including good old-fashioned walking

• Ease of movement and a pain-free body

• Plenty of filtered water to drink + minimal caffeine

• Mental well-being solid: joyful, happy, growing

• Ideal weight and body composition

• Healthy sleep patterns and adequate rest

• Annoying health conditions diagnosed and handled

If you’re uncertain about your fitness level and need some help making goals (and staying accountable to achieving them), email about scheduling a free, 30-minute exploratory call to discuss what coaching can do for you? Less stress, more balance, and greater life purpose is what the Oola lifestyle taught me, and it’s what I help others do as an Oola Life Coach.

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