Are you in your right livelihood?

written by Gregory Unck | Uncategorized

March 13, 2022

Are you in your right livelihood? Are you in a career you love, doing what you want to do?

Part of living a balanced, happy life is doing work that inspires and delights you: you’re good at it, you’re needed, and you love everything about the 16-18 hours a day you spend doing it.

Whether it’s working as a company driver, owner operator, or some other position in transportation . . . or running your own show with a business you started, what single breakthrough goal – when achieved – would help you grow in your career, have more fun, show up in a bigger way, or finally make the kind of income you dream of?

That kind of goal is worth planning carefully and focusing on every day until it’s achieved. As part of our 21-Day Challenge, why not spend some time tonight thinking through ways (and taking a small step) to upgrade your career. For instance, could you spend an hour to:

• Investigate a new job, career or business opportunity?

• Research ways to upgrade your skills?

• Write out your talking points for asking your boss for a promotion?

When you’ve decided which small step you could take now to be happier and less stressed in your career, drop a comment below and share it with us! (But hey, nothing too personal, okay?)

You can also email and we can start a mutually beneficial dialogue with each other.

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