How do our financial lives get so messy?

written by Gregory Unck | Uncategorized

February 19, 2022

From magazine subscriptions to streaming services to regular payments for who-knows-what, some stuff just builds up and lingers on our monthly credit card statement until even our “minimum payment” is overwhelming.

This month, it’s the perfect time to declutter your finances.

In fact, calming the chaos around money is the first step to lowering your overall stress AND giving you renewed energy for something new and good to come into your life.

I want to help . . . with a unique checklist that will show you how to declutter your finances—finally making space for something new. To get your copy of this printable PDF document, message on Facebook, email, click over to and leave contact info, or text at 385-977-1792. I’ll get it out to you right away.

When you start to use the checklist, be relentless. Make your credit card statement a clutter-free zone. Lower your stress level by taking control of your monthly expenses.

I’m up for that kind of balanced financial life . . . how about you?

In fact, finding balance in an unbalanced world is what the Oola lifestyle taught me, and it’s what I help others do as an Oola Life Coach.In fact, the Oola lifestyle formula has over a million followers around the world—with story after story of people who’ve hit major financial goals. Some paid off over $100,000 in debt, got better-paying jobs, or moved into their dream house.

To talk about what you’d like to accomplish (and could use a little coaching with as you’re going through it), message me and we can jump on a call.

The 3 Week Get Unstuck is a game-changer for anyone who wants to live with less stress and more balance, particularly in the area of money.

What’s the first step YOU need to take toward improving your financial picture in 2022? Drop a comment below and share it!

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